I started a new baby sweater. This picture is of the back panel, almost finished. It will probably go on Etsy when I'm done. I've got four one-pound skeins of this sage acrylic yarn that I think I'll make into baby sweaters, too.
There is a cyborg nerd bunny I made for Brad, two haruo monsters for Garret and his fiancee Mandy, and a trio of haruos. I need help with the trio... what else should I do for them? I'm putting them in my shop as soon as I accessorize.
These are two hats I knitted, one for one of Adam's friend, and the red one to go in the shop. The other is the shawl I crocheted for my mother-in-law for Christmas. I'm learning a lot more about knitting... I'm almost done with a kitty sweater that's absolutely adorable! I'll post pictures of one of our kitties wearing it as soon as I'm done... :)
This is something fun I found online... you give it a bunch of words, and it makes them look cool! Here's one I made: title="Wordle: Stuffed Animals"> src="http://www.wordle.net/thumb/wrdl/443210/Stuffed_Animals" alt="Wordle: Stuffed Animals" style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">